In April this year, students of the University of Ghana went to the polls to exercise their constitutionally mandated rights under article 29 of the SRC constitution of the university.

After a fiercely fought battle, the office of the Electoral Commission declared one Esinam Seade as the President elect and per the same constitution, she was sworn in as President to champion the interests of her colleague students.

Few months into her administration however, it has been revealed that she has committed many crimes for which ‘the very people’ who elected her in confidence, now believe that, she is no longer fit for the job, for which legal action should be carried out with the aim to oust her from the high office of the SRC.
so yes, i would be a hypocrite to allege that there has been no challenges. But come to think of it, which government in the world has through it’s term of office recorded zero percent challenges:

Is it Abraham Lincoln of the USA? any interested individual would know the vehement criticisms that government had to deal with when the President freed the black slaves, but did he fall? NEVER!!! He’s known throughout history as one of the greatest Presidents USA has seen,

or is it Barrack Obama’s administration, we are all witnesses to the gun insurgency that the country is facing under his command, has Obama failed? Only a Donald Trump will affirm that,

or is it Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe? His strong decisions to shield his country from the venom of West has caused him a lot, but he still stands today as a figurehead to his people

I don’t have to spell out the challenges that the just passed Fobi government was confronted with, but did they fall? No.

These are just a few precedents to prove that ‘againsts’ are not God. After-all what crimes did they commit except exercising their constitutionally mandated powers.

What crimes has Esinam committed. Let me list a few of her her crimes for my readers that may be ignorant:

1. Filing a nomination to vie for Presidency. The university’s SRC constitution permits all qualified level 300 students of the university to file for nomination to run for executive positions on the SRC and Esinam did such when her time was due.

2. Her decision to stay in the race after the first round. The constitution permits any of the candidates to redraw at any point in the race and it was exemplified at the national level in the NPP in 2007 when ‘Alan Cash’ pulled out after the first round to enable Nana Addo to continue. Contrary to this however, Esinam remained in the SRC race and secured a decisive victory.

3. And I should maybe have led with this; Esinam about 21 years ago was born a lady and not a man. This, many critics have held on from her campaign period through to her administration and they still cling to it and cannot realize they are hugging a cactus plant.

4. One last crime I’d like to highlight is her tendency to carry out what needs to be done to the maximum degree.
Is it lobbying for internship opportunities for students as she promised? I have personally seen Esinam and her team moving from one ministry to the other no doubt lobbying for such opportunities for students as she promised.

Or is it checking her own appointees to the maximum degree? I have known this lady for four years now and can personally affirm her competence and tendency to tolerate no mediocre and or lackadaisical attitude toward duty.

These are but just a few of the crimes i believe Esinam has committed that should push a section of the student populace to want to oust such a blessing to University of Ghana out of office.

This is a lady that some people want us to believe is incompetent and what have you. But muggles to the academic community see her wonders and continue to acknowledge that by the day. (Refer to picture).

Honorary citation Presented to Esinam Seade Honorary citation Presented to Esinam Seade

It is really true that a prophet is always rejected in his own home.

This is just one of the proves that, amidst all the attacks, the Esinam administration will continue to rise and make name and the UG SRC will live to see more light that it is already enjoying.

Sometimes I sit and wonder where these attacks are coming from anyway since i cannot see any fire, I doubt where they get the smoke they are making noise about from.

I wish very much to join the chants at times but no matter how much deceit i feel my eyes with, i still do not see the catalyst for these attacks.

If it is the above mentioned crimes for which such enthusiastic attacks are coming, then i believe we can forgive her, but if the majority of the student populace believe she should be prosecuted for these crimes, i don’t think she will have a case for i also believe that *ESINAM AFI SEADE IS GUILTY AS CHARGED*