A dose of TRUTH: Where did our voices go?
Barely ten years ago, the were no smartphones and as suprising as it seems they have taken over the natural order.
Friends all over the world today would prefer to communicate over Facebook, instachat, tango and the others or the one which i call the contagious epidemic, for lack of a stronger word; whatsapp. Or perhaps ordinary text messages. Calls and visits are now a thing of the past and perhaps considered achaic and unnecessary.
I personally have even seen a dating couple chatting on social media while sitting in the same room.
Why the fast deterioration within these few years?
Where did our voices go?
I would build my argument on the assumption of celebrated philosopher, Jean Jacques Rousseau. He believes the problems of man results from a single source; civilisation, and to quote him, “man is born free, but everywhere, he is in chains”.
We as humans were endowed with the gift of language unlike other animals who use semiotics and sounds to communicate. Why then do we religate ourselves and subject the human language to devices whose advent date back to a mare AD1995?. The cause i believe is civilisation.
We the youth of today want to feel a sense of belonging thereby subjecting ourselves and the ability to speak to 21st century’s chains of civilisation.
The problem has developed so much so, that even best friends cannot express themselves to each other and would rather rely on these devices to do the talking for them. These smart phones some may believe have made communication better, on the contrary, these commbetters have made communication a headache and is fast taking the voices of today’s youth away.

I was watching a movie yesterday and the two main characters who met on a social media platform decided they would meet at a local restaurant.
Upon arrival the mood was raised to about 200°C of awkwardness since none of them could open their mouth to speak.
It was then that they realised in the two years of their friendship and six months of dating and claiming to be in love that they have never talked on phone but have in all that time relied on whatsapp and Facebook to communicate.
The guy then lewdly pulled out his smartphone and texted the girl.
They later spent half a million USD in therapy to get rid of their communication issues.
The Pope’s word
One would think this problem sprouted at the restaurant but it had already developed into a tree the day they met online and didn’t think of communication offline.
To avoid spending 500 USD as well or perhaps more, i believe we should put the smartphones down and start talking- Pope Francis I.

When next you remember that friend you haven’t heard from in years, instead of picking up your phone to text on whatsapp or find them on other social media, you should perhaps dial and call or take a stroll to their home.
Remember humans were endowed with the gift of speaking.
Let’s drive the devil that is taking our voices away back to where it belongs and find a better use for the smartphones.
Our voices are in us, they haven’t gone anywhere so let’s stop subjecting it to the fate of the appendix.