After about 15 years of fighting, Nana Addo is a few hours from being sworn in as President of the Republic of Ghana.

Many interested parties would agree it has been an interesting and tough fight for him. From losing the primaries to J.A. Kuffour in the 90s, through losing to J.E.A. Mills to the controversial loss to outgoing J.D. Mahama, one would agree it has been a long way.

Some are also waiting to see what a non John would bring aboard. It may seem an insignificant issue to others, but many Ghanaians are blowing the trumpets of the end of the John dynasty. It is true of course that the John name does not matter on the admisnistrative grounds, what the question is, is that, what is the experienced statesman and lawyer bringing on board? How is he going to revibe the economy that has been painted balck by his fellow NPP members though the outgoing NDC maintains a snow picture.

My thoughts are that, the man, Nana Addo can only succeed if we want him to, and to use the words of Hilary Clinton, “we owe Donald Trump, (in this case Nana Addo) an open mind and a chance to lead.”

In my opinion, from what i have read about the man, He is going to be the best President Ghana has seen, and i say so not only because of writing sake but as an optimistic Ghanaian, because his success translates to the success of a country that has served as an icon to its neighbors since 1992 or perhaps 2001 which was the first successful transition.

As the hours dawn on us, let us all with the grace of God and the fever of the new year, support our new president and put our political lens on the fence and put all resources together for the building of a better and more grace filled Ghana.

Thoughts of your favorite blogger;
Oswald K Azumah.