A heart whole yet incomplete
As the solar system without
Or is it s chess piece without the

Bee, beautiful Bee,
Yellow as the word itself

With symmetries as dark as the
Time before dawn

Your presence, ooowwh
Being with you makes me
complete as the presence of the
Holy Spirit in a Christian
And your hug makes my day as fulfilled
As the death that occurred on a cross 2000 years before our birth
That hug oowh I could
spend an eternity there

Beautiful Bee, oowh Bee,
Let Shakespeare and Wordsworth
Tutor Byron so I can tap from
Their wisdom, for my
Words are as a toddler
Learning a foreign language
But say them, I would

Bee, beautiful Bee
With cheeks as round as
An egg and as soft as a
Lactating mother’s succulent breasts
With hug as warm
as the protection
A hen gives its chicks
With personality as unique as a solar eclipse

Precious Bee, buzzing with wings
As wide as a falcon’s

You already have a beehive
Who has enough nectar to prepare
All the honey you desire

Like a thief in the winters’ night
I seek to sever that peace

Am I wicked,??? Bee???

One part of my heart says yes
But the other, Bee the other
Buzzes as your first buzz of my name

Blind to the consequences and
Only prays to be in your
Presence and wrapped in your
Wings, to hear that buzz
All my life, Bee
Watch this space, for i have lost my
Train of thought once more

Bee, beautiful Bee buzzing freely
And yellow as the word
With symmtries as dark
As the time before dawn
Beautiful Bee