Like a flower on the sahara
A surviving flower
Amidst the north east trade winds
Lonely as the blue whale
That lies quietly as a
Corpse at the belly of the North Atlantic

There i stood in the
Hot sun, responding to
Its cruel stimuli
With a lot of nectar
As sweet as honey
Or better ????

I thought I’d never
See or hear nothing but then one day i heard
A buzz, so loud it
Was, it shook the dying
Roots i had
But this was a buzz
Of life, at least
That was what I believed
Although I won’t tell travelers that
Asked me, I denied
It throughly
That buzz as it
Turned out was you, Bee

So bright was your
Yellow and so dark
Were your symmetry
That harmonized your

Over time i had
Readied my nectar
Candid as it is
But then I learnt,
With the bitterness for me and
Joy for you and your beehive that my
Nectar may not be needed

For you have enough
But the flower that i am and the hope
You brought to my
Space, and the ancient greed i got
From humans i
Pondered it in my petals
And filaments with
Support from my sepals

I believe with the
Cruel winds that i
Have endured from

Bright Bee oh my
Bright Bee whose
Buzz sends shrills to
My stem and threatens
My roots,
I can with firm conviction prepare the
Best honey with you

Not that I don’t
Know of your commitment
To your existing beehive
But some things
Must be said, for
Fairness to all

I close this
Chapter because
I have lost
My train of

But watch this
Space oh Beautiful Bee

Precious Bee
Yellow as word
Itself and dark
as the time
Before dawn

Piercing my little
Flower heart
Through no fault
Of yours but the
Negligence of my

Ops i said
I was closing this