When the flower denied
That the Bee
Solved the story of
It eating the dust of
The Sahara
Matters was it beguiled

But can fire pollinate
A flower???
No it was…
It spared the pain
Of burning that hope that
The Bee had arisen after four

And before long the
Flower of the Sahara knew
It too
That it’s pollination
Belonged to the Bee
Not destructive Matters

Matter Anything that has mass
And occupys space
The scientists will say

Forgive me Bee
If my misled attention to the
Fire and the vehement denials
Broke me

But trust oh Bee
That I’ve read from Moses
To John

And what i spake
Is what I believe
For what are we
If we stop believing
Solitary Despair
I say

Watch this space
Beautiful Bee
Yellow as the word and
Darker than the time before dawn