Ten years ago today, we stepped foot in BIHECO
A warm October evening a dacade ago; with all the items on the College’s prospectus properly arranged in my Trunk and Chopbox, I go to bed for the last time – for the time being, at least – in the comfort of what I’ve come to call home.
Morning of Oct 15, after going through some mundane activities, two of my uncles helped me load my luggage into the saloon car belonging to one of them and we set from Ho to Bishop Herman College; both my parents were engaged elsewhere and could not take me.
At about half way in the journey, Kpeve, for those who know the terrain, I remembered that I left my school fees receipt behind but I was rendered catatonic by the idea of saying we should go back and just held my peace.
Fast forward, we arrived on the campus that would shape most of my being into what you know today and so many people everywhere, so many ideas in my mind, but I wasn’t the first to leave home so I guess I’d survive.
We stayed in the queue until it’s my turn to enter the office of the Senior House Master and boy, the receipt issue did come up and all my prayers that its physical presence not be an issue weren’t answered so yes, we had to go back to Ho and bring it.
If my uncle wanted my head then, he was excellent in hiding it.
In three hours, maybe more, we made the journey to Ho and back to the College in Kpando.
The display of the Cadet Corps facinated me a lot but my only thought then was against getting bullied, not complimenting them.
I spoke with my mum on phone and she blasted me for putting my unles through the ordeal of driving back and forth for the receipt and they departed, leaving me among strangers, out of whom I’ve made friends, brothers for life.
The rest of the day passed quite well because I met some colleagues from my basic school, Kabore.
A lot more happened that day but these have been recorded and shared with you for your reading pleasure and to give thanks to God on the 10th Anniversary of the first time I left home. It’s been tumultuous decade but HE has remained faithful and we shall praise his name forever.
In memory of those we’ve lost along the way, Corard, Godsway, Attisu, Wisdom, Cutbert, and all, we say: may their souls continue to rest in peace.

Photo: in honour of the giant steps we’ve taken.