I remember vividly when I was a kid, the belief in my hood was that if you put someone’s name in fire, they would die. I therefore used to place Satan’s name in lit fires with the hope that I was ridding the world of the devil.

Growing up, I realised that the point in life is not to get rid of your troubles but to develop swords to fight them.

It would be easy for the Creator to rid the world of Satan but the gift of choice came with the prize to fight and fight a good course.

Troubles are going to come no matter the case. The point from the Satan scenario is these troubles have come to stay and can not be eliminated. Everyone however has been given the power to conquer these problems and move forward. Just like having a choice to follow Satan or follow the light, we all have the choice to face our challenges and defeat them or succumb to them just like some fall to the dark or Satan.

Just like the fight against the forces of the dark makes us stronger in the spirit, the battles of the world make us stronger to face the next challenge and of course to wield the crown of glory.

Our worldly challenges, say exams, trainings, recruitments and the likes, like Satan are not just going to disappear because we put them in a fire meant to burn garbage because our challenges are bigger than lit fires. The fires that will destroy these challenges are in us and not outside.

With that idea, next time you think about putting Satan’s name into a lit fire, or think about circumventing a challenge, remember they are a part of life and a problem-void life is just a fantasy, for Satan is here to stay and the choice is to fight him and not kill him. The choice is to stand up to your challenges and not to find an alternate route or hide from them, for come what may, they will resurface…sooner or later.