Let’s learn English: Mutual vs Reciprocal – Know the difference

 It’s Thursday and after a break, it is a delight to bring to you a brief lesson in English. Today, we will discuss the difference in usage between mutual and reciprocal.

However, before that, we will revise what we learnt in the previous lesson; the difference between being and been.

Being is the present continuous form of the verb BE and used to show a continuing action while been is the past participle of the same verb and used mostly with have or has to show an action that took place in a not distant past or a repeated set  of actions.


Both mutual and reciprocal exist in different word classes but let us focus on their role as adjectives; which is the point of confusion, mainly for second language speakers/writers.

As an adjective, mutual refers to a beneficial relationship between two or more people. The simplest example that comes to mind in this instance is a mutual fund.

Contributors to a mutual fund, benefit equally, or at the least, equitably from their contributions, that relationship is therefore, of mutual benefit to its members.

A situation where Kwame and Kwesi contribute into a fund where both parties get returns in proportionate value is mutual.
i.e.) Kwame and Kwesi have a mutual relationship.

This is clearly different from reciprocal which is most often than not, alienated to the wrongful benefit of mutual.


Reciprocal refers to a feeling or action which is done or felt uniformly toward the other party. Therefore, if Lancelot and Christine are in love, the feeling between the two is not mutual; it is a reciprocal feeling.

i.e. Lancelot and Christine got married last weekend, from their vows to each other, it is evident that the intense feeling between them is reciprocal.


From the above, we see that mutual is used to describe a two-way beneficial relationship while reciprocal is used to describe a two way feeling of parties toward the other.
It is, therefore, wrong to describe a feeling as mutual as the returns cannot be quantified.

If there is anything I missed or omitted, let me know in the comments section below. If not, any other feedback is welcome.

Consultant: Cynthia Agyeiwaa

Source - Oswald Azumah