How can we pray that Nkrumah rests in peace?

On the anniversary of his demise, it is just a desolating truth that Osagyefo is not resting in peace. The peace he so much fought for the next generation after him to enjoy in liberty and to be free from the shackles of imperialism.

The demons that took over from the African of Africans have done nothing but bequeathed a quagmire of a republic to their successors.

How can we ask that Nkrumah rests in peace when his modus operandi that forced the oppressor back to his Island is considered a nuisance, such that the head of state would declare himself a dead goat which cannot be affected by the people’s cries?

Or how we pray for the peaceful repose of his soul, when prayer, is now considered repugnant to academic communities which are supposed to be the citadel of knowledge and channel through which tolerance for other cultures and beliefs are nurtured?

Some schools are preventing their students from praying and fasting as required by their religion, while others are more concerned about the hairstyle of their students than the knowledge they are to impact, what the students have to offer is even a nonstarter.

This is not an article, nor was it intended to last this long, Nkrumah cannot rest in peace while his GHANA is shredded piece by piece by a “mother serpent of corruption” which is so vicious, every anti-graft campaigner flees his role, yet his sycophants cheer on, the best, the best!

Source - Oswald Azumah